The Capital Campaign
The Capital Campaign Co-Chairs, Reverend Andrew White and Cindy Morgan
These are exciting times in the City of Petersburg. We are well positioned for economic growth and cultural excellence. A critical part of making our future even brighter is the new library. For over 85 years, the former library at 137 South Sycamore Street served us with a strong tradition of excellence.
Today, the Petersburg Library Foundation is moving to fulfill the vision for a new library, to the meet the growing demands of our global society. We invite you to share in our vision and visit the new Petersburg Public Library! The new facility serves as the center point of our great city with an expanded children’s area, technology center, meeting rooms, large multi-purpose room, café, handicapped accessible entrance and expanded collections that provide equitable access and resources to all citizens and visitors of Petersburg.
We invite you to join us in making the new Petersburg Public Library one of the premier libraries in the nation. Your gift will enable us to fulfill our goal of providing a new library that will: promote and help ensure academic excellence for children in our schools; expand literacy outreach services; provide technology resources; and offer facilities that allow families to enjoy reading activities together…in other words, make The City of Petersburg a great place to live, work and raise a family!
Frequently Asked Questions about the Capital Campaign
Select a Question Below to See the Answer.
Q. Do we really need a capital campaign to fund the new library facility?
A capital campaign is a special, time-limited effort to raise a large amount of money for a specific purpose. The moneys raised can only be used for the purpose for which they were solicited, rather than for general operations; in this case, a new library building. This method has the added advantages of keeping taxes low for the general public, and of providing a significant philanthropic opportunity for people wishing to increase their support to the library.
Q. What is the fundraising goal for The Petersburg Library Foundation Capital Campaign?
The goal is $12.7 million. This sum will cover all construction costs, legal fees, architectural and engineering design fees, and other miscellaneous fees required to open the new library headquarters.
Q. What will happen if the capital campaign does not reach its goal?
Library Foundation leadership has studied this question in depth. Based on input from the community, they are confident that the capital campaign will be successful. All funds raised through the campaign will be deposited in the library building fund and will be used to build a new library facility. In the event that the campaign does not reach its goal within the time frame planned, it may be necessary to utilize additional campaign strategies or extend the campaign timetable.
Q. How can families and businesses support the library project?
Many opportunities exist to support this important community project. Contributions from individuals, families, businesses, foundations, civic and community organizations will be needed to help build the new library. In addition, volunteers are needed for the capital campaign. For more information about volunteering or making a contribution, call the Foundation Office at 804-733-2387 ext.502.
Q. May I give gifts other than cash?
Absolutely! There are many ways to give other than by writing a check. The Foundation would be happy to accept transfers of stocks, bonds, estate donations and other asset donations. For other ways to give non-cash donations, please call the Foundation Office at 804-733-2387 ext.502 or visit the Ways to Give section of this website.
Q. I don’t use the library. Why should I contribute to a capital campaign?
The library is an important asset that affects everyone’s property values and is, therefore, deserving of both philanthropic and tax-based support from all residents and businesses. The library also helps educate the young and old alike within our community, which helps to provide a better-educated workforce that will attract more jobs to the area.