Ways to Give
Individual Support
Financial donations provide direct and immediate support, usually in the form of cash (check, or electronic transfer) or publicly traded securities. Donors generally qualify for tax deductions.
If you would like to donate by mail, please send your check or money order to:
Petersburg Library Foundation
P.O. Box 3435
Petersburg, VA 23805
If you would like additional information, please call the Foundation at 804.451.6879 or 804-733-2387 ext. 502
Voluntary Tax Contributions
Virginia law allows taxpayers to voluntarily donate all or part of their income tax refund to one or more qualified organizations as approved by the General Assembly. Petersburg Library Foundation is one of the organizations eligible for this contribution. To make a contribution on your tax return, see the instructions for Virginia Schedule ADJ or you may also send your contributions directly to the above address. The Petersburg Library Foundation's number for voluntary tax contributions is 212701.
Tribute & Memorial Gifts
Giving a gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion is a great way to pay tribute to that special someone while supporting the building of the new Petersburg Public Library headquarters.
Stocks & Securities
Increasingly donors are making gifts to the Petersburg Public Library Capital Campaign using appreciated securities including stock, bonds, and mutual funds. Contact the Foundation or your broker for more information.
Pledges allow donors to make ongoing gifts over a period of months or years. Payment schedules are flexible. To arrange for quarterly or annual donations or to be billed at regular intervals, contact the Petersburg Library Foundation at 804-733-2387 ext.502.
Employer Matching Gifts
Many employers match their employees’ gifts to charitable institutions. Some companies will match the gifts of employee spouses and retired employees, as well. Ask the human resources or benefits office at your workplace for more information, or contact the Petersburg Library Foundation at 804-733-2387 ext.502 to find out if your company has a matching gifts program.
Planned Gifts & Bequests
If you’re considering making the Petersburg Public Library part of your trust, bequest, or endowment, please contact 804-733-2387 ext.502. A planned gift to the Library ensures the future of the library and its program, as well as creates your own legacy of support. Planned giving also offers significant advantages, including tax breaks and a potential income increase. Your estate attorney, accountant or other financial advisor can also provide you with more details on the types of gifts that offer tangible benefits.