
The Petersburg Library Foundation was formed in 2002 with a mission to provide financial support for the purchase, construction and operation of a new library.

The Foundation welcomes you to new the new Petersburg Public Library! Come and check it out: 201 W. Washington Street, Petersburg, VA.

Brick Campaign

"Paving The Way Knowledge"

Salute the past, embrace the present, and make your mark on the future with our commemorative brick campaign!

We are pleased to continue our Brick Fundraising Campaign! This unique opportunity for the community to show their support of our new Library by purchasing a personalized, engraved brick to be placed outside the new library entrance. To download the brick order form, please click this link.


Press room


Capital campaign needs your support to close successfully!

The Petersburg Library Foundation Capital Campaign is on the final stretch with the building of the new Petersburg Public Library. Due to cost savings and other factors, we are closer than ever to reaching our goal! We need to raise the final $50,000 to close out the Campaign successfully. Once this final goal is reached the Foundation will begin to place its efforts on raising funds for existing and new programs to further enhance your new library!

To read other news please visit our News & Events page.


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